What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique. It is a form of energy healing with roots in ancient culture. it uses universal life force energy to improve people’s lives and ailments. This treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feeling of peace, security and well-being. it also works with therapeutic technique to relieve issues in us and promotes recovery.

Reiki practitioners do not diagnose medical conditions or provide medical treatment, but instead focus on promoting relaxation, reducing stress and pain, and improving overall well-being. While some studies have suggested that Reiki may have some benefits for certain health conditions, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness.

Reiki is considered a complementary therapy and can be used alongside conventional medical treatment. It is important to talk to your healthcare provider if you are considering using Reiki as a form of treatment.

The benefits of Reiki

Need To Know

The Mindfit Reiki practitioners believe that this can help to balance the energy in the body and promote healing of physical, emotional and mental issues. Some benefits that people have reported from Reiki include:

  • Stress and pain reduction: Reiki can promote relaxation, reduce stress and pain and improve overall well-being.
  • Improved sleep: Reiki can help people to sleep better by reducing anxiety, tension and stress.
  • Reduced anxiety and depression: Reiki can also help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Improved immune function: Reiki may help to boost the immune system by decreasing inflammation and promoting balance in the body.
  • Increased sense of calm and relaxation: Reiki can help to bring a sense of calm and relaxation to the mind and body.
  • Better focus and concentration: Reiki also encourages mindfulness and concentration which improves focus.

It’s important to note that while some studies have suggested that Reiki may have some benefits, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness. Reiki is considered a complementary therapy and should be used alongside conventional medical treatment. It is important to talk to your healthcare provider if you are considering using Reiki as a form of treatment.

Reiki Types

What We teach 

crystal reiki


Crystal Healing practices uses semiprecious stones and crystals which releases blocked energy, boost low energy, prevent bad energy and transform body’s aura.

angel reiki healing


Angels are meant to assist people in their daily lives and share messages of hope, love and encouragement from the Angelic realm.

reiki chakras


chakras are the wheels of energy throughout our body which holds our energy or prana. The imbalance in chakra can create illness. this study of chakras helps us to keep us vibrant, healthy and alive.

reiki healing methods


Reiki symbols are sacred symbols that are used in Reiki practice to focus and direct the flow of energy. The symbols are believed to hold specific healing properties and are used to enhance the effects of Reiki healing.

spiritual lord buddha


LamaFera is a highly effective Buddhist healing technique of Tibetan Lamas, especially used in eliminating dark forces (Negative Energy) from human bodies. It involves calling upon Lord Buddha to come to heal the situation.

Reiki Healing Musics

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