Yoga Classes & Courses

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a practice that originated in ancient India and has been used for thousands of years as a form of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means to unite or join, and refers to the union of the individual self with the universal self or the divine. Yoga is a holistic practice that encompasses a variety of techniques, including physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, and philosophical teachings. The goal of yoga is to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, and to help practitioners achieve a state of inner peace and balance.

Physical yoga practice (asana) is the most widely known and practiced aspect of yoga in the West, and it can be adapted to suit people of all ages and fitness levels. Hatha yoga, is one of the most popular styles of yoga in the west. It is a form of yoga that emphasizes the physical practice of postures, and also includes pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation.

Some of the benefits of yoga include

Need To Know

Some of the benefits of yoga include

The Mindfit Yoga can be practiced in a variety of settings, including studios, gyms, and community centers, as well as in the comfort of one’s own home. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting a yoga practice, especially if you have any health concerns or injuries.

  • Improved flexibility and balance: Yoga involves a variety of postures and stretches that can help to improve flexibility and balance.
  • Increased strength and endurance: Yoga postures can also help to build strength and endurance in the muscles and joints.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Yoga promotes relaxation and mindfulness, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Yoga can also improve cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and improving circulation.
  • Better sleep: Yoga can also help people to sleep better by reducing anxiety, tension and stress.
  • Improved focus and concentration: Yoga also encourages mindfulness and concentration which improves focus.
  • Improved breathing: Yoga breathing techniques can improve respiratory function and help to increase lung capacity.

It is important to note that the benefits of yoga will vary depending on the individual and the type of yoga practice. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.

it doesn’t matter what your age is. All you need is clear mind and some strong dedication.

Types of Yoga

We teach 



It’s time to spread out your yoga mat and get started. Yoga is a type of spiritual practise, so anyone can begin practising it. Yogis or yoginis are not required. At the novice level, we first emphasise teaching mindfulness techniques. Basic asanas and pranayama techniques are also included.

Intermediate yoga


The focus is more on starting to flow through the poses and synchronising breath with movement than on holding them steady. You’ll also start practising more challenging variations of the fundamental stances. Hand mudras, symbolic gestures that promote mental attention, may also be introduced at this level. 

Advance Yoga teaching methods


Your asana practise can be improved, and you can learn more difficult yoga positions and how to maintain them for longer periods of time to build strength and endurance. In advanced yoga, we place a greater emphasis on the asanas, such as pratyahara, dharana, and dhyana. 

kids yoga classes


For kids, yoga is ideal. It aids in mind control and also behavioural pattern control in children. Flexibility and attention strength are enhanced, which are primarily important at this point. A healthy body requires a lot of factors, including rest and relaxation, movement, concentration, and social interaction. We must instil in them a certain discipline for a healthy lifestyle when they are in the developing stage. There are too many distractions in the world for your children.

elder yoga images hd


No matter your age, never. Yoga has the unique benefit that anyone, regardless of age, can begin practising it. Seniors who practise yoga experience better overall health. We can show them suggestive poses and breathing techniques based on their physical condition. At this age, it helps the elderly flex their bodies physically. It also  makes them stress free and makes them feel young.

yoga as therapy with healing


People today face a greater number of ailments. Yoga aids in resolving all of your psychological and emotional abnormalities. Certain diseases can be treated with yoga. Yoga can help you stay in balance and can even be used to treat some diseases. Yoga is the integration of the body and the mind. Yoga practise and a balanced diet can help us maintain our health conditions for several physical diseases. 



There are numerous causes of weight increase. Being sedentary, eating a lot of foods that have undergone extreme processing, sugar, and fat, and family history all contribute to weight gain. Additional causes of weight increase include stress, problems with mental health, use of drugs, insufficient sleep, and hormonal changes.    Yoga is the ideal choice for people who want to reduce weight with a healthy diet and physical activity.

pregnancy yoga images


Both prenatal and postnatal yoga is taken care of by The Mind Fit. It will be like a holistic journey for a  pregnant women. Mild asanas, pranayama, and meditation are all part of it. While you are pregnant, your body goes through a lot of changes, which puts you under stress both physically and mentally. Yoga is a means to maintain both your physical and mental health. Increasing your muscles’ suppleness and flexibility will be helpful when giving birth.

elemental yoga class images


People today face a greater number of ailments. Yoga aids in resolving all of your psychological and emotional abnormalities. Certain diseases can be treated with yoga. Yoga can help you stay in balance and can even be used to treat some diseases. Yoga is the integration of the body and the mind. Yoga practise and a balanced diet can help us maintain our health conditions for several physical diseases. 

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Yoga is 99% practice & 1% theory